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Offering a heightened level of Short Term Accommodation / Respite that provides meaningful engagement with a holistic therapeutic approach to care, our program will invigorate as well as restore mind, body, and spirit.

What does that even mean?

This means that the participant will have a tailored plan applied to the respite visit. this can include electronic entertainment, such as:

PlayStation, Karaoke Machine, Music, etc.

Or it could be: an adventure day trip, to mountains, snow, national parks or boating, after which they come home to a meal and a wind-down, with aromatherapy and polyvagal music in the background, reinforcing the experience. That is where we can sit and connect, revisit the day's events, and openly discuss challenges the participant may be having.

Our respite service offers a diverse range of programs, including:

Introductory activities to gauge interest and preferences
Recreational Experiences
Adventure Therapy - Challenging adventures to the skill and capacity level of the participant.

Our programs focus on the individual’s skill levels and ability, with a strong focus on choice. This provides participants with the opportunity to challenge themselves, without feeling uncomfortable or pressured. In doing this we aim to assist the participant in gaining a sense of confidence and help them to reconnect with their communities, develop a sense of achivement and improved sense of life satisfaction.

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