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Our mentoring service includes assisting people re-entering society after incarceration.

We provide a positive role models for children or adolescents (male and female).

We provide individuals with strategies to become a positive member of society and a chance for a positive future.

This includes: SLES services (School Leaver Employment Support).
Andy has been a successful job coach, specialising in job preparation, coaching and resume building.

The skilled and caring team at Engaged Support Services is committed to meeting the individual needs of every participant and can develop tailored programs beyond those listed on our services list.

These Include just some of the following:

Understanding social cues and expectations
Support in understanding socially appropriate behaviour
Coping skills to deal with tough emotions
Programs specific to you and your needs

Why Choose Our Mentoring Program?
Our mentors provide a safe place of understanding and assist our participants to take more control over their lifestyle and well-being. Our mentors are qualified with extensive knowledge and experience and are here to help you make the most of your plan and support you in your daily tasks to live a more independent life. A mentor can also be a great source of emotional support, through friendship and understanding.

A Mentor can also be someone you can turn to for advice and reassurance. Having someone to talk to who understands what you’re going through can be helpful, especially when you’re feeling down or struggling with your self-confidence. Our mentors can play an essential role in helping you to reach your full potential.

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